Saturday, July 3, 2010

Awakening and awareness ~ Thoughts on the hoax

Awakening and Awareness

Despite of what BoW says and what the Gold Forums members think about us and this blog, we want to point out our first aim once again, and we want to tell you our point of view regarding Michael Jackson’s hoax.

We are Italian, this is not a secret, so we understand very well what is written on the Gold forums. We never believed in BoW for many reasons that we have already told you, but our blog was born to protect you. Yes, to PROTECT you, because there were and still are so many young fans that suffer too much, and when BoW started doing her dirty ‘job’ they saw her as a happy island to stay on. They wore and still wear their pink fans glasses and we don’t say that they are idiots, but just they have their minds a little bit blurred for pain or for mind games that BoW and the admins are playing on them.

We started to write our blog posts to show you BoW’s contradictions. We have to admit that we had a bit of faith in the Gold Forum admins, at least we thought that they would have done something after the June 25th, but guess what? The situation is even worse now… We talked to someone that had the pleasure to talk to Anly and our suppositions became reality. They trust BoW because their hearts tell them to do so.

Hearts? You can’t trust someone because your heart tell you so, your heart could be wrong. In this complicated situation you always have to prove what you are saying and being nice doesn’t mean being legit. Just think back of the many times Michael Jackson followed his heart, and ended up being deceived and hurt.

Now let’s go ahead. We always wrote about BoW, but what does this hoax mean to us? In our opinion - why did Michael Jackson hoax his death? Will he come back?

This hoax means a lot to us, we see it has a huge possibility to do something for the world and humanity. This hoax is not only about Michael Jackson, is about every human being all around the planet. Michael Jackson is giving us the chance to make that change and we can’t waste it! Not now, because probably it will be our last chance. He always gave 110%, we can see it through his lyrics, his videos, his speeches throughout all his career. They tried to silence him, but despite that he stood up again for his, our, your rights and lives. He asked us to stick with him, to help him, to trust him and to join his army. It’s not too much to ask if you compare it to all he has already done for us. Don’t see it as a sacrifice, but as a pleasure, a favor in return.

This hoax is not about the fans, is not about which fans loves him most, not about how much the fans are awaiting his comeback, it’s not about relaxing and waiting. You have to realize that if he can’t come back now, we have to awake more people than we already did, we have to spread his message more and more. It’s not about preaching love but instead spreading hate, it’s about holding hands and start acting.

We know that the first thing that you want to ask us is why we believe in TS.

Our reply is not hard to understand. Let us explain.

We can divide TS posts into two categories even if they are connected:

-Michael Jackson and his hoax (clues)

-What is happening in the world.

We have been TS’ posts since he posted on the old MJHD as S.T.U.D.Y. He announced and predicted so many remarkable things about the hoax and even if you try hard to debunk them, you won’t succeed. Then he started his redirects and even if they sometimes were hard to handle he opened our eyes step by step. He showed us what really is going on behind our ordinary lives, how naïve we are and how controlled we are by a group of persons which is leading the world to destruction.

You can tell us that maybe TS might not be MJ related, but you can’t say that what he wrote is not true. Even if he is not a legit hoax ‘informer’ you can’t say that he is a fake. First of all, he never claimed to be someone, second he didn’t tell lies. Even if this hoax would not be about awareness and awakening in the end, then who learnt something during this big adventure? You already know the answer. If all this is not hoax related, you still think that it’s not important to change the world?

“..try to make a better place for you and for me and the entire human race…”

Oh well, who’s words are those..?

So TS’ s message is not so far away from Michael Jackson’s, don’t you think…?

And about his come back… we don’t know if he will ever come back, but as he said…. He will come back in his own time, but first we need to act before he can come back.

All we ask you to do is to start thinking and not let others think for you and lead your lives.

Stop existing and start living! ♥


Nonostante quel che dica BOW e ciò che gli utenti pensino di noi e di questo blog, vorremmo spiegare ancora una volta il nostro scopo e il nostro punto di vista a proposito dell’hoax.

Siamo italiani, non è un segreto, perciò capiamo bene quell che viene scritto sul Gold forum. Non abbiamo mai creduto a BOW per vari motivi di cui già abbiamo parlato a lungo…ma il nostro blog è nato per PROTEGGERVI, perchè ci sono stati e ci sono ancora molti fans adolescenti che soffrono molto, e quando bow ha iniziato il suo “lavoro”, hanno visto in lei una speranza a cui aggrapparsi. Le hanno creduto e continuano a crederle. Non pensiamo che siano idioti, ma solo che forse hanno la mente offuscata dal dolore e dai giochetti mentali che BOW e le admin stanno portando avanti.

Abbiamo iniziato a scrivere I nostri post per farvi rendere conto delle sue contraddizioni. Ammettiamo di aver avuto fiducia nelle admin del Gold, almeno credevamo facessero qualcosa dopo il 25 Giugno, ma ora la situazione è peggiorata. Abbiamo avuto il piacere di parlare con qualcuno che ha parlato con Anly e ciò che supponevamo si è trasformato in realtà. Credono a BOW, perchè il cuore dice loro di farlo.

Cuore? Non ci si può fidare di qualcuno solo perchè te lo dice il cuore, il cuore può sbagliare. In questa situazione, bisogna sempre provare ciò che si afferma e il fatto di essere gentile non fa di te una persona affidabile. Pensate soltanto a tutte le volte che Michael ha dato ascolto al suo cuore ed è stao ingannato e ferito.

Inoltre, abbiamo sempre scritto su BOW, ma cosa rappresenta l’hoax per noi?

Perchè Michael ha finto la sua morte? Tornerà?

L’hoax ha un significato profondo per noi, la vediamo come un’enorme possibilità per fare qualcosa per il mondo e per l’umanità. Questa hoax non riguarda solo Michael Jackson, ma ognuno di noi. Michael ci sta dando la possibilità di cambiare e non possiamo sprecarla! Non ora, perchè probabilmente sarà l’ultima occasione. Lui ha sempre dato il 110%, lo vediamo dai testi delle sue canzoni, dai suoi video, dai suoi discorsi di un’intera carriera. Hanno provato a farlo tacere, ma lui si è sempre rialzato per i suoi diritti e per i nostri, per la sua vita e per la nostra. Ci ha chiesto di combattere insieme a lui, di dargli fiducia e unirsi al suo esercito. Non è troppo, se paragonato a tutto ciò che ha fatto per noi. Non vedetelo come un sacrificio, ma come un piacere che gli dobbiamo. Questa hoax non riguarda i fans, quelli che lo amano di più ,che aspettano il suo ritorno , non si tratta di stare fermi ad aspettare. Bisogna capire che se non può tornare ora, allora dobbiamo rendere coscienti più persone possible, dobbiamo diffondere ulteriormente il suo messaggio. Non si tratta di predicare amore e diffondere odio, ma di tenersi per mano ed agire.

Sappiamo che la prima cosa che volete chiederci è perchè ci fidiamo di TS. La nostra risposta è semplice. Lasciateci spiegare.

I post di TS si possono dividere in 2 categorie, connesse tra loro:

-Michael Jackson e l’hoax (indizi)

-ciò che accade nel mondo

Abbiamo letto I post di TS da quando ha iniziato a scrivere sul vecchio MJHD con il nome di S.T.U.D.Y. Ha annunciato e previsto aspetti notevoli dell’hoax che, anche se si prova a metterli in discussione, non ne si è capaci. Poi ha iniziato a reindirizzare e, anche se a volte è stato difficile capire, ci ha aperto gli occhi pian piano.

TS ci ha fatto vedere cosa stia realmente accadendo dietro le nostre vite, come siamo ingenui e come siamo controllati da un gruppo di persone che stanno portando il mondo alla distruzione.

Potreste dirci che forse TS non c’entra nulla con MJ, ma non che quello che ha scritto non corrisponde al vero. Anche se non fosse un informer affidabile, non potete dire che sia finto. Primo, non ha mai detto chi sia ; secondo, non ha mentito. Anche se quest’hoax non riguardasse il diventare coscienti e il reagire, chi avrà imparato qualcosa durante questa grande avventura? La risposta la conoscete già. Se tutto questo non c’entrasse con l’hoax, pensereste ancora che non sia importante cambiare il mondo?

“..try to make a better place for you and for me and the entire human race…”

Bene, di chi sono queste parole?

Allora il messaggio di Michael Jackson non è così lontano da quello di TS, non credete?

E per quanto riguarda il suo ritorno…Non sappiamo se tornerà mai, ma come ha detto lui…tornerà con I suoi tempi. Prima, però, dobbiamo agire, in modo che possa farlo..

Tutto ciò che vi chiediamo è di iniziare a pensare, invece di lasciare che siano gli altri a farlo per voi…

Stop existing and start living!

Thanks @Mjalive999


E' necessario che questo post venga scritto in Italiano .
Dopo il seguente commento :

"PDA è l'acronimo di altro...manco questo sai e ne ignori anche i contenuti quindi per favore sta zitta, ne guadagneranno tutti in salute."

vorremmo fare un po' di luce sull'argomento .
Non possediamo l'abilitazione alla sezione PDA Fan Club, ma di sicuro non è difficile venire a conoscenza di quelli che sono i suoi contenuti.

Ecco alcuni esempi :

Queste sono le 'chicche':

Ecco anche un video :

E' sufficiente?
Questa non è la materia trattata nel blog e sia chiaro, non ci interessa minimamente se si vuole parlare di certi argomenti ; ognuno ha diritto di fare ciò che ritiene opportuno...Ma non prendeteci per stupidi, perchè non lo siamo.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Who wanna debunk? -- the winner is.......


Drunk1958's posts stimulate the fantasy.
Let's analyse it step by step.

“... I read everything and some messages hurt me a lot..” This person is selfish as always, she thinks about HER pain, but what about the members' pain? She, 30 years old woman, hurt very young people, some of them are still minors.. Let's remind you some of them messages:
“If anything will happen I'll kill myself..” “I cried lay on the floor, holding tight my friend” “it's since 3 o'clock that I don't leave my pc..” “Annalisa please I cried for more than 6 hours now, please” “I'm hopeless and I don't know how can I handle all this...”
These are some of their messages, plus they had those symptoms:
Lack of appetite.
And that woman, after that, has still the courage to think about HER pain..?

“On this forum I'm in touch with the members only by PM, no telephone, no email.. I COULDN'T CONTACT ANNALISA”
But what happened on June 26th at 2:26PM?

Annalisa wrote: “ Today we will have all the explanations of what happened during those days. THEY TOLD ME SO. I don't know the right time, but Bow will explain herself.”
So who did tell her that??? How..? Those two versions don't coincide. Be careful fellows!

“I had with me a laptop for job, but I hadn't internet connection...” Fact: that woman should be a journalist, so why didn't she have internet connection? What did she do with the laptop without internet?The solitaire? The internet connection is the first thing that a journalist should have to stay in touch with the editorial office ( maybe she dictated her pieces by telephone) and to be constantly updated on the latest.. (or does she write her pieces after watching the news on TV?). That explaination is absurd!
“Don't tell me that I had to look for a way to do it (talking about finding an Internet connection), because in those circumstances you can't think, I was totally shocked.”
I want to point out that we are into the 21st century, in 2010, hotels (but also Hostels) have Internet connection, or did she sleep in the street into millboard?
She had to go into her room and tell HER FRIENDS on the forum what happened!
“Don't tell me that I should stay with Michael,because I wasn’t allowed to stay there. My boyfriend is still in L.A for job and neither him can see Michael”
If L.A means Los Angeles (or maybe she meant La Africa) why did Annalisa write that?

“The BAM wouldn't be in the USA, but somewhere else, that's what she told me before she left.” ( L.A is in the USA) “Before she left she told me the BAM would be in South Africa. Do you remember the They don't Care About us video? The name on his T-shirt? OLODUM. The Olodum is a Brazilian group that follow the Brazilian soccer team everywhere. Yesterday Brazil played.”
Again contradictions!

“I don't want to see posts or comments which bash other members, me and the admins. I will request the ban.”
The girl, who only wants to help people, was first a simple forum member, then they created her own category with multiple sub-forums (half of the forum is dedicated to her), then she became a MOD, then she decided to delete her BlackOrWhite account (fake personal problems). she came back again with another nickname. She decided she would be a standard member again from that moment.. but.... She can request the BAN and she dictates forum rules. Seriously, which is her role there?
“You ask me to give you proofs, but I can't give you them until Michael will come back, so don't ask me about them, neither to Anly. YOU WILL WASTE YOUR TIME!”

Her stories are absurd, it's pretty logical that someone could ask some proofs, right?
Someone asked for them after The Grammy thing. Before leaving they asked her to take some pictures, even without people in them. she said: “I'll try my best!” (she already knew that she couldn't take those pictures).When she came back she said: “I didn't take pictures, or better I took them only for my job”. Someone asked her to show them only one picture, but she replied NO. Now the history repeats itself. Does she reveal the hoax if she shows some pictures even without people in them?NO. In which way those pictures would damage the hoax? What will happen to Michael, if BoW will show us her flight ticket (blanched out of her personal information), after she said for months that Michael hoaxed his death because of serious threats, that he is protected by CIA, FBI and Obama?? NOTHING....Pathetic.
The only thing is that we can prove if she is legit or not, and in that way she can prove to the ones who don't trust her that she is a real informer and so she will help MANY people... To Help people is her first aim, right? Or MAYBE NOT ?

“I told you that i'll stay with you 'till the end. I promised it, so I'll respect my promise...... I don't want to leave this wonderful forum... I will continue to log in...”
She wrote that on June 29th at 11:44AM.. I told you that she changes her mind avery now and then... What did she write 3 days before? On June 26th at 3:01PM she wrote: “ I left, I came in and I left....”. We believed that! But we know how much HUGE is her ego. at least… will she respect the promise that she will not do any kind of revelation anymore? (“ the Answers topic doesn't exist anymore”).

Look out!!!They observe us, who will win that LOVE championship? We have to learn from the REAL family, they are the only real Michael's fans! They are showing us what the real LOVE is......
“You are the intruder, not us, stay away from here!” “Don't give us moral lessons!” “Not every fan is human as him (Michael), look Jackson876’s behavior, you can notice what I'm talking about” “But how can you talk?? You can't talk! you are so hypocrite!” “I hope you throttle” “Those people don't deserve anything from life!” “You don't understand a damn thing.. you don't know what LOVe and friendship are, shame on you!” “ a 'thing' throttle yourself!” “Go fuck yourself”

Now we wanna add something....
Half of the forum is about BoW, but what about the other half??
They have the hoax category as well, almost empty... but what about these two sections?

PDA is an acronym and in italian means "Potere Devastante Dell'Arma" , in english is something like "the huge power of the weapon"... Weapon=Michael's stuff......................
Here you can find something....


We wanna point out that these two category are not free access even if you are registered on the board.... You MUST have the admins approval for getting in...

Now we wanna say something about the BoW Bamsday L.A VS South Africa.......
As Anly said on June 26th, BoW gave some many 'clues' about the Bamsday in South Africa...
Let's make a little recap....

She posted two videos, Black or White by Michael Jackson and Waka Waka by Shakira, focused on particular minutes of those videos.... and as a major clue, she focused on a particular moment in the beginning of the bow's video, when mj dances with some Africans.....

Then, if we connect the dots, the meaning of her new avatar is now clear

Her avatar:

A Black or White video's screenshot, showing mj dancing together with some African dancers.

Further clue, her speech about Human Rights:
" Human rights
For what did Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson and N.Mandela and Michael fight?
Do you remeber they censured BlackOrWhite? The end of it...
What Did Michael put into TII during They Don't Care About Us?
Today, What's South Africa?"

So what do you think??? She let figure out the the bam would have been in South Africa....
So now why did she change her mind again...?
Was Mj still in LA on June 23rd? how about flights times and timezones?
Was he supposed to reach S.A. by some kind of rocket?
As our informer says, draw your own conclusions....

And our conclusion is:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dunk's explanations: debunked

“if Daniela has seen Michael, now she has been on another planet called “joy”, she didn't come back and take all the bashings, if would give us all her joy, and they will follow her as the “comeback prophet”, she would have more and more followers. She could describe us, as a journalist, her feelings, what she felt, michael's perfume, his magic. This couldn't damage Michael... I'm sure about that. She should come back happy, because her hope, finally, became reality, and who cared about the BAMDAY? She saw him alive and well! Ok, Michael collapsed, but she told that he was good, so she should only be happy!.”

BoW replied: “ during those days I didn't tell you what were my feelings, because they are gone away by the bad day that I had on june 23rd. I'm sad because I didn't see him again.. they took him away and they didn't allow me tho see him again. How could I be happy, dear?. The first time that I saw him, his eyes spoke for themselves, you could see his passion... Michael's passion.. the passion that he has when he starts something new, the passion that we can see through his eyes when he is on stage. His parfume? Vanilla perfume, that remains stuck in your clothes when he leaves! His love for everything he does.... his energy... His simplicity... He is not a star, he is a man, he loves everybody.. his dreaming eyes when he looks at something that he likes..His smile.. His politeness...Then you legs start shaking, you can't find the right words, in front of him you are speechless, in front of him you feel good after few minutes. This is magic!”

Datrooth wrote: “Well Daniela, I noticed that you told us your magical moments with Michael.Let me point out a couple of things:

First: Black Orchid, Michael's perfume, it doesn't smell of vanilla. It's like a mix of cinnamon, sandalwood, etc... but you don't know it, because you didn't see Michael.

Second: Michael didn't collapse, you used Tito's tweet, but once again you lied! A HUGE lie!

Tito was in L.A , and according to your lies, Michael was in South Africa (lie). Tito was rehearsing for his tour, he logged in on Twitter, but after few minutes he wrote that he was on the phone talking about the last things for the tour. When he came back again he wrote “Bad time”, because he was very busy and he couldn't follow fans' tweets. Now let's connect the dots... how is it possible, that Tito knew that Michael collapsed and his first thought was writing on Twitter??? that is absurd as your lies!

Do you know which kind of relationship there is between Michael and Tito? Apparently NOT.

Michael didn't collapse on june 23rd, you can't use his name and you can't say that he is under control 24/7. These are lies and defamations.

Michael is good, on June 23rd he was not in South Africa, he doesn't know you, he doesn't know who a you are. Stop! It's over.”

DaTrooth wrote:
”You said it smells of vanilla. Well, it doesn't, cause the perfume he wears is called Black Orchid and it doesn't smell of vanilla at all. First lie. Didn't you say you were in South Africa? Where were you? In the US? In Europe? Tell it. You said he collapsed and now you can't say in which continent you were? Are you kidding me? Tell me where you were, in which continent. Can you please tell me your back flight 's time ? Timing doesn't match and you know that.”

BoW wrote: " Don't ask me anything, no more. Nor Michael related, nor about me. this section ends here. "

DaTrooth wrote: "Bal a Versailles was the parfume which Michael used to wear years ago. And it doesn't smell of vanille, but of orange flowers. Daniela read other fans' stories and reported them here, that is it smells of vanille. Easy this way, isn't it?"

DaTrooth wrote: "and btw daniela didn't answer to my question. I asked her to tell me in which continent she were, cause she denied she were in South Africa, but I had no answer.What? She can tell details on MJ's health but she can't tell us in which continent she were on june 23rd? Cause it's been Anly who first told she knew in which continent thw bam would have happened and Daniela left us clues with her avatar, the waka waka video, Mandela...So it's easy to understand she knew it from Daniela or are there other informers who I still ignore?"

BoW wrote: "Why stay? Many people hate me."

DaTrooth wrote: "If they hate you there's a reason, don't you think? "

BoW wrote: "Do you think I'm happy for that? I would be crazy if I was. Do you know why I told everything that happened? Because they asked me to do it, but I'd rather prefer to avoid it...but then they would have said to me that I didn't know what to say. What could I do? If I tell it, then it's a surreal story...if I don't tell it, then I don't know what to say"

DaTrooth wrote: "Honestly I don't care if you're happy or not, it's your problem, take your responsibility. I care more for all the teenagers who spent the whole night crying in front of their screens, sorry if I am. And what did you say? What? Please, give proof of what you said, show us a flight ticket, have a bit of dignity instead of telling that Michael collapsed in front of your eyes!"

DaTrooth Wrote: "Bashing Daniela is too much? Is it not enough that she lied to you since months? "Piece by piece, until june 25th" He collapsed on June 23rd Only because the piece by piece didn't happen ? Be logic, for God's sake, that logic you think others don't have. I respect who deserve my respect. If someone lies, I only can show him/her his/her lies ! "

After that convo, you guess what happened......
Of course they banned DaTrooth, but WHY BoW first said that?

BoW wrote: "I'm glad that there is someone like you. I'm talking about you DaTrooth. I read your post, and you are very calm. Everybody should be like you. Civil convo, do you know what is it? maybe few know it.. Sorry if I'm talking about you, but you are the last member that talks to me with calm.."


BoW wrote: " Your posts don't hurt me... i'm glad to talk to you.. I don't think anly will ban you.."

Well we don't think we should provide you the ban proof... should we..?
We think DirtyDiana81's last message is enough
" You know what? The democracy is over. Every member who offended or hurt our friend Danila, will be banned. It's enough"

Now we wanna know.... Did Datrooth offend Daniela????? or maybe he underlined once again her lies...... so WHY did they ban Datrooth?
'nuff said...
Thank you datrooth, whoever you are!