Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who wanna debunk...?

Ok, we wanna involve you a little bit this time...
Here you have last BoW's message.
In Italian and also in English.
We would like YOU to write down every contradiction you will find between that post, the other BoW's post and the admins' ones.
You can write them in a Word document and send us at: bowguus@yahoo.com
We will read every email that you will send us and then we gonna publish the best ones.

"I wanna turn the page and start a new beginning. During those days I’ve read everything, some messages hurt me a lot. I want to point out some things: On this forum I'm in touch with the members only by PM, no telephone, no email.I couldn't contact Annalisa. I had with me a Laptop for job, but I hadn't internet connection, so I couldn't tell you what happened. Don't tell me that I had to search a way to do it, because during those circumstances you can't think, I was totally shocked. Don't tell me that I should stay with Michael, because they didn't allow me to stay there. My boyfriend is still there for job and neither him can see Michael. I took the first flight from LA and I came back home, the first thing that I did, was to open the pc, and anly knows that because she was the first person who I contacted via PM. I met Anly and after some Pms she asked me to write her what I know and I did that, my only aim was to help people, there aren't other purposes, missions or something like that. I didn't feel like an informer ( even some of them gave me that name). They created the topic, the questions started, and I answered. I was always polite and kind. I respect who doesn't believe in me and who is not a believer, but in a civil way. Here there are so many people that don't trust me and they didn't bash me nor the others members. So from now on, I don't want to see posts or comments which bash other members, me and the admins. I will request the ban.

Warning: We will ban who is rude, and not who tells his point of view with respect and politeness. I'll take no longer who says that I have no brain, that I'm crazy, that I have to get cured or I have not feelings. You ask me to give you proofs, but I can't give you them until Michael will come back, so don't ask about them, neither to Anly. You will waste your time. I'm not obliged to show you anything. I told you that I'll stay with you 'till the end, I promised it so I'll respect my promise. I Don't want to leave this wonderful forum, I feel good in here, but I can't handle it anymore. The admins will decide what to do with my section. The 'answers topic' doesn't exist anymore. I will log in as a standard member and I will wait that day....

Have a nice day guys.

PS: I decided to stay here for all those people who sent me thousand of messages, foreign people and not, they asked me to stay here so I will stay here for my ‘rock’, my Lory and my Annalisa. So don't waste your time asking for my ban or something like that, or even that the forum should close down. Here we have a real family, here you can feel that real love who few are spreading."

We wish you an happy debunk! Have fun!

Soon and very soon....
Stay tuned....

Saturday, June 26, 2010

End Game


Even though the hoax would be exposed to the world on June 21st --according to bow--- we decided to be patient and wait until the end of June 25th, L.A. time.

So, what happened yesterday? Did Michael Jackson make his BAM?
Did bow's predictions came true? Absolutely NOT!
Yesterday it was a commemorative day. TMZ flooded us with Michael Jackson news and Live Streams both from Gary and Forest Lawn, but Michael DIDN'T come back.
We've been watching the gold forum closely yesterday, until 4:00 am and we noticed that so many people were waiting for their dreams (and BoW prediction) to come true. Some members were anxious, others were hopeful, but they all had the same thought in mind: "Michael will bam TODAY".

The hours went by slowly... believers wrote about 250 pages on that topic. They asked for help from Anly, they asked for news and updates...but the admins and mods were just lurking...they didn’t bother to answer any questions or comment on anything. Why?
Wasn't it their responsibility???
THEY decided to give BoW a whole forum section, they are part of her deceit!
Why did they say anything? WHY? Why did they just sit back and watch THEIR FRIENDS in a state of despair and they didn't comfort them ?
Why did they decide to give full faith to BoW? What tangible proof they have to let it all happen and not step in?

This morning the forum members were divided into 2 categories - the ones who still trust boW and they ones who were asking for an explanation.

Then Anly popped up, playing the victim, suddenly saying she has news from bow. She ALSO said that she had to wait until noon to reveal something. But guess what???????
The big revelation was that BoW was ready to give an explaination
But hey, wasn't BoW at the BAM location?? Aka South Africa??? She decide to come back home in just 3 hours..? Wow, those planes are speed demons nowadays!
Come on guys, can you imagine Michael jumping out of a cake in the middle of the Fifa Worldcup? Yeah, what a safe location..! And what happened to the 'piece by piece'..?

MAYBE ANLY KNEW something and she decided to keep her mouth shut....
But again, if she knew something WHY didn't she tell her FRIENDS?
Is it because she made a promise to Daniela? Really?
And the moment came...BoW/dunk1958 opened a thread : " BOW's apologies"
and she gave her explanation… *rollseyes*

But guess what? She said that Michael changed his mind again. She said that Michael is not in good health and that's why he didn't bam yesterday.
So now it's MICHAEL’S fault, not BoW’s! Another one on the Gold Forum is playing the victim!

Well, it’s NOT Michael’s fault, but BoW’s!!!!!

Michael WILL come back, in his own time, IF he decides to come back!
Michael gave this hoax a special meaning. and YOU, BoW and co., have destroyed it for the members of the Gold Forum!
You made these members focus themselves on a fake informer, on a BAM date, but the real deal is Michael!!!
Bow always said "Spread the LOVE", but love means something else. It's not only a WORD, it has a meaning, so start acting upon it!
Where is MJ's message now? What about what he told us?
Do you have doubts now about him being alive just because BoW has AGAIN proven being fake?
Michael left us clues, he is alive! Are you still listening to HIM?
Stop focusing on a bamsday and RESPECT HIM!

IF, and we say IF, Michael reads this ITALIAN forum, he would be disgusted. Michael, who has been deceived over and over again for decades, for SURE would not encourage someone spreading LIES!

All this hard work, the blog itself, has been done to open your eyes, just for this.
We really wanted to avoid the pain you're experiencing right now, believe us. What BoW did, especially to the young members, is not fair. We tried to let you see all Bow's contradictions, from the very the beginning, they've always been there for you to see. We just summed them up for you.
Please, don't compare BoW to other people who have been good, valuable information which has proven to be correct. Bow has been the one who predicted a DATE. Can't you see it?

We are with you, sad because you're in pain, but remember that Michael is alive, just keep the faith!
It's not too late to take the right path and stop following fake prophets.
Take a look at the mirror, start to act!

We strongly recommend you to read all the post blogs again, with open eyes and a clear mind now. She was a fake from the beginning.

Can we move on now?

Please, stay united for HIM .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hoax exposed on june 21...................... or NOT!?

Another day has gone....taking another fake prediction with it...
Do you remember what BoW said about the June 21st?
If NOT, let us refresh your memory...

"Piece by piece the truth will be revealed. On june the 21st the hoax will be exposed to the world then ...BAM"

Due to the fact that some members were losing hope, the admin took BoW's words and twisted them...

"I remember what BoW said by heart, she NEVER said the truth would have come out on june 21st, but that the truth would have start to be revealed from that dat. There's a BIG difference."

Oh yes Anly, you are right! There is a HUGE difference between YOUR words and BoW ones!
Maybe you need to read her posts once again...... or maybe you MUST stop twisting her words!

But in the end what happened on June 21st?
Has the hoax been revealed?
Did someone expose to the world michael is not dead?
There are two choices media can take : Michael is dead or michael is alive... or do they need to say it piece by piece? Something like: june 21st breaking news! mj's hand is not dead ! and june 22nd beaking news! mj's head seen wearing a black fedora!
Maybe Bow has misundestood TS posts and Tii intro...

Here what TS said: The “return” is a process, which can be short or long, depending on several factors; regardless of whether or not the return is short, the “bam” is very abrupt—and marks the end of the return process. The fact that “bam” is abrupt should be obvious—based on the word itself, based on MJ’s usage of the word in context, and based on the audio and visual imagery that is very abrupt on Jack5ons “coming soon” website {http://www.5brothersenterprises.com/}.
The return, on the other hand, is not necessarily abrupt. There are a few things in TII which indicate that the return might not be abrupt. During Light Man, it says: “... and piece by piece by piece by piece [return process], MJ is revealed, until he jumps out [bam!], and on Michael’s command, we begin.” {TII DVD, Main Movie, text from subtitle; at 3:43}
In Staging the Return (as well as in the main movie), you can see a little of MJ before he comes out of the spider. “Then Michael was gonna come out and be revealed underneath the black widow.” {TII DVD, Staging the Return, The Adventure Begins, text from subtitle; at 19:50}.
And the bam statement itself is very clear: “Let me bathe in my own time when I come back in. I’m gonna button my shirt or jacket or whatever it is. I’m gonna look around a little bit, play with them. Snap my fingers maybe, then bam!” {TII DVD, Main Movie, text from subtitle; at 1:49:45}

Do you feel like MJ has been “playing with them” recently? If so, it means we are in the return process. You see, the return is when things go beyond just clues for hoax believers; it is when the public sees things that just don’t add up with the official story. Since MJ is in control: he could have several pieces revealed all in one day; or he could slow the process down, and do it over a longer period of time (until people start getting it)—in either case, the return would end with the bam (the final and ultimate revelation that MJ is alive).

Has a gradual return processes started? We may not all agree exactly when, but I think we can agree that many such things have happened in the last month or two: no RIP at the Grammy’s; Jermaine’s “airport” slip-up; Brian Oxman saying 99.9% the ambulance photo is fake; tabloid magazine publishing that MJ is alive, because the autopsy report doesn’t add up; and TMZ publishing MJHD.net website right there on their front page!

Yes, these and other things in the last month or two are more than just clues for hoax believers; they are all things which could easily cause the public to start questioning the MJ death. And keep watching for more such events; we should see them coming more and more, now that we are in the return process {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=97}.
But if you go back before January, things like these were rare if ever, because we were not in the return phase yet until January. In fact, the JACK5ONS tweet on January 18: “ur eyes don't lie - media does”—this was obviously referring to the circumstances around MJ’s death; so that should’ve caused some of the public (non-hoax believers) to question the official media story. And in fact, this was the first time any of the Jacksons had referred to the hoax publicly {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3965&p=61068#p61068; see also http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=7155}. What better time to mark the beginning of the return, than the Jacksons first public reference to the hoax?

Read more: http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=7194

Here TII intro:

And now we have our little message for BoW/Drunk1958..

EVEN if Mike will BAM on june 25th that will not prove that BoW was right.... our blog speaks for itself!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What's the meaning of Nani....?

Here we go, another saga!

Yesterday Daniela loged on in the Gold Forum to say goodbye for the last time to her followers before leaving.... What is her destination...? Unknown, of course..

Here you can read her last message:

" I will leave on Sunday morning.......
I will come back, don't worry, If I don't faint during the BAM"

" I have never said where the BAM will happen.."

But did she insinuate that maybe the BAM will happen in South Africa?

" Human rights
For what did Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson and N.Mandela and Michael fight?
Do you remeber they censured BlackOrWhite? The end of it...
What Did Michael put into TII during They Don't Care About Us?
Today, What's South Africa?"

The Gold Forum members said goodbye to BoW/Dunk58, but they had a special request!
They asked to give a special 'hi' to Nani.....

"say Hi to NANI"

" Say Hi to NANI is not enough, we should bow to him

But what 'NANI' is?
Let's see if this SS will help you to understand....

"it's part of MJ's "stuff", so she has to say Hi to it"

Do you understand what Nani is....?

We think you are clever enough to understand

Read More: http://michaeljacksongold.forumfree.it/?t=48861670&st=660#entry402437957

We advise you to read also about PDA.....
Here a preview:

" Only Mike's wifes can see PDA...
Yes only Mike's wifes can see it, but we ( forum members) can test it...."

We remind you that Michael Jackson reads the Gold Forum....................... *rolling eyes*

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dunk1958: Hi, it's BOW again !

(Scorrete il post e troverete la traduzione in italiano)

A new day has come! BoW changed her identity!
Yesterday she wrote on the Gold Forum a letter to the forum Members!

Here we go:

"Hi Guys, after a few days from the cancellation of BlackOrWhite; that night happened a mess and a bit of panic. I apologize... it's me... I deleted my account from The Gold without explanation, without notice, warning, so just because it should be like that. But I can't remain silent. The information are ended and with them it came also the end of black and of the hoax. Everything that will come after is just the beginning of a new phase, for us and for Michael Jackson and for me. Now I introduce myself here as a simple Michael's fan, no more BoW, Blacky or BlackOrWhite.... just Daniela.
I was a few days in silence, I commented that little I could do, I was always here beside you, I read and I suffered with you when you asked for news and I could see your concern. I can't give you more clues, but I wanted to send this message before the BAM, before I leave, but don't you think that I'll not come back, it would be very wrong, because whatever happens, you will read me again. I trust all of you, as you trust in me, and I trust Michael. But I have to be at the BAM, I can't miss an event so extraordinary.
I have read a little around and many non-believer and believer have immediately thought that I was gone, many thought that I was fake that fake they've always declaimed but it isn't so. I've always been here and maybe I could , though Anly, infuse that calm you needed this week. You joked, you spend carefree evenings without problems, without thinking too much about the hoax. and while I was reading I could understand who really believed me and who believed me only for 'convenience'. I read message of love from people that I had no doubt and no message from those who I doubted... to me the conclusions.
I read girls not demolished, just like Michael would want, I read people strong and that can tackle anything, i read people together, for better or for worse... in short, an army of love... L.O.V.E.
Annalisa we created a pretty big family isn't it? cohesion that makes stunned who read for the first time this forum.
and while there have been posts that insinuated my abandonment, you were there and defended me.
Perhaps the hoax has divided... believers, non believers, pro BlackOrWhite, pro TS, etc.. etc... but our common thread is always him, Michael. We discussed all of his life, Lisa, his preference, his children, even his relationship with the Presley. We analyzed all documents, videos, articles, news, songs, lyrics, sentences. Now my friends it is time to turn the page, it isn't an end but the beginning of a new phase. Also for Black... yes also for me. I want to connect with the consciousness of being a fan and the happiness in the hear that Michael is back. Talk to you all about Michael, the Jackson and about the events and not (finally) about the hoax.

A girl told me: 'Black I don't know you but I see you'.
And it is so, love does it, too. We are united only by a computer but I love you so much that I can see you, I see your love, I can see you when you're anxious for something... I see you, and it's an incredible feeling.

My most gratitude goes to Anly and other admins of the forum. you have been a great support to me and true friends who were always be present in need. They spent whole nights working on the forum for me and went against everyone and everything for me. Thanks girls, you are unique.
Special thanks to Annalisa, she has spent energy to me, she has made sacrifices that no one would have done she have taken the responsibility, and she always supports me, both high and low.
Between you and me there is a special feeling from the first day, I don't know how I can ever give something back to you, but I want to tell you this: Annalisa I love you, you're the best thing that ever happened to me during the last months.

A final salute goes to you.... Michael. I know you're reading now, as requested I'm not giving info, I'm just saying goodbye. To you I would say... see you soon. Michael Jackson, the most famous person on the planet... who would say that my life would be disrupted by you? there months have been hard Michael, for all. Your fans have suffered enough and finally they will know the truth. you are excited... anxious. But remember one thing, your fans are here for you, we don't leave you alone. You have many people who love you, also your family. we are ready to protect you from criticism, for whom will point the finger against you and from the media. trust me, my friend, we are the majority.

I love you and as I promised:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRhEHslaBXI "

Ok! Let's analyse this letter step by step!

a. " I deleted my account from The Gold without explanation, without notice, warning, so just because it should be like that."

Well that's not true! Anly gave them the reason why BoW decided to delete her forum account.
Anly said that BoW decided so because she has some serious family problems and she can't be part of the forum anymore due to that reason.
Yesterday she blabbed that somebody told her to delete her account, that was the plan... so our conclusion is: She fooled the forum members again! Why did she ask Anly to tell a lie? Did she have to distract people again? IF yes, which is the purpose? IF NOT, the conclusion is crystal clear.

b. "The information are ended and with them it came also the end of black and of the hoax. "

Are the info ended? Which kind of info are ended? Her fake info? Her predictable info? Her copy and past?
She had the presumption to say: the info are ended, as her role and also the hoax! Wow! We spent almost one year digging into Michael Jackson's hoax and life and now we discover that it's not worth our time and energy, it could be easier relax and wait this letter that would announce the end of the hoax. It was our fault as always... yeah... *rolling eyes*

c. "I can't give you more clues, but I wanted to send this message before the BAM, before I leave, but don't you think that I'll not come back, it would be very wrong, because whatever happens, you will read me again. I trust all of you, as you trust in me, and I trust Michael. But I have to be at the BAM, I can't miss an event so extraordinary. "

Which kind of clues is she talking about? WE ALL know that he is alive, so her clues are not needed! She always said that she can't tell WHY Michael Jackson hoaxed his death, so we think that 'her clues' should be about 'alive or not', but do you need more clues about that? Do you still have doubts?
Is she leaving again...? If YES why didn't she post that letter before deleting her previous account?
Again... Is she saying that she will attend the BAM event? IF YES she contradicted herself again, because she said that the BAM will not be abrupt, but Michael will reveal himself pieces by pieces... IF NOT, why didn't Michael Jackson call his assistant to attend his new birth?

d. "I have read a little around and many non-believer and believer have immediately thought that I was gone, many thought that I was fake that fake they've always declaimed but it isn't so."

Oh! We had no doubts that she would be came back again....... NO DOUBTS about that!
But, why should non-believers be interested in her words? NON-Believers don't think that Michael Jackson is still alive, so WHY they should read her posts? OR maybe she was talking about BoW NON-Believers! Our theory is confirmed by her next sentence! YES she was talking about BoW non-believers!

e. "I've always been here and maybe I could , though Anly, infuse that calm you needed this week. You joked, you spend carefree evenings without problems, without thinking too much about the hoax. and while I was reading I could understand who really believed me and who believed me only for 'convenience'."

Let us understand! She left the Gold forum with only one sentence: " I love you"... they went crazy! NOW she admits that she read every crazy thoughts AND she didn't do anything for calm down those people?! but at the same time she claimed that she is their FIEND! Oh that's what friends are for..............
You left people joking around, wasting their times talking about Gold Pants and Michael Jackson 'private zone' ( we can't imagine IF he is reading that forum)... THIS HOAX is not about sit down and RELAX! it's about STOP EXISTING AND START LIVING! IT'S ABOUT MAKING THAT CHANGE! IT'S ABOUT SPREAD THE MESSAGE!
We have an advice: Spend some time READING his lyrics...
Here some food for thoughts:






f. " and while I was reading I could understand who really believed me and who believed me only for 'convenience'. I read message of love from people that I had no doubt and no message from those who I doubted... to me the conclusions.
I read girls not upset, just like Michael would want, I read people strong and that can tackle anything, i read people together, for better or for worse... in short, an army of love... L.O.V.E."

Oh ok, now we get the point... it's all about believe or not in BoW.... and what about Michael Jackson? Who should deserve attentions? BoW or Michael Jackson?
This is unbelievable! People wrote message of love to a person who fooled them and she admitted it also in that letter! Read between the lines!
They created BoW Army of L.O.V.E , not Michael Jackson's one! Michael Jackson's Army of L.O.V.E. has a very specific purpose, bring awareness and awakening into the world!
BoW's Army of L.O.V.E has a different meaning: to support a fake person while she is deceiving people and playing with fans feelings!
We don't think she understands the real meaning and the real purpose of the Army of L.O.V.E, and she twisted it into BoW's army of L.O.V.E.
The Army of L.O.V.E. is not for talking about Gold Pants, like they did in the last couple of days! The Army of L.O.V.E has an higher purpose! and what happens there it's only a shame!

g. "Annalisa we created a pretty big family isn't it? cohesion that makes stunned who read for the first time this forum.
and while there have been posts that insinuated my abandonment, you were there and defended me."

Who did create the family? BoW and Anly? OR Mr Michael Jackson???? That Gold family grow up to defend BoW, as she pointed out!
She was talking about 'cohesion', well we prefer talking about CONTROL, if you don't agree with them you are out! How many members who didn't believe in BoW were banned from there? How many rude replies did you posted against those members? TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR! The Gold forum it's not about Michael Jackson, it's about BoW!

h."Perhaps the hoax has divided... believers, non believers, pro BlackOrWhite, pro TS, etc.. etc... but our common thread is always him, Michael."

It was not the hoax that divided fans in pro BoW and pro TS....
The hoax is not about that... The hoax is about SPREAD the message, and TS slammed that message in our faces! with no need to give us a date, because that is not the point.
What is the hoax for BoW? Like she said: to spend time joking, relaxing and thinking not about the hoax.

i. "Now my friends it is time to turn the page, it isn't an end but the beginning of a new phase. Also for Black... yes also for me. I want to connect with the consciousness of being a fan and the happiness in the hear that Michael is back. Talk to you all about Michael, the Jackson and about the events and not (finally) about the hoax."

It's time to stop spreading lies! it's time to start acting! it's time to start listening to Michael's words! it's time to wake up! it's time to live! it's time to react! it's time to stop being gullible! it's time to open your eyes! The hoax is not over yet, and even IF Michael Jackson will bam our 'job' will continue... You should keep this in mind for the future!

l. "They spent whole nights working on the forum for me and went against everyone and everything for me."

Oh so the first aim of the Gold Forum is working for BoW and protecting her...
We have to tell you that you are going also against Michael Jackson's message...... 'nuff said!

m. "A final salute goes to you.... Michael. I know you're reading now, as requested I'm not giving info, I'm just saying goodbye. To you I would say... see you soon. Michael Jackson, the most famous person on the planet... who would say that my life would be disrupted by you? there months have been hard Michael, for all. Your fans have suffered enough and finally they will know the truth. you are excited... anxious."

Oh Mike.... don't you know that Google translator sucks?!
Why did she give pubblic explainations to Michael Jackson? Didn't she tell him that she was going to pubblish a goodbye letter? They told her that her 'job' is finished so they already knew that she was not going to give more 'clues'.... In our opinion, maybe we are wrong she wrote that to let people focus on the fact that Michael Jackson knows about BoW and he is reading the Gold Forum.

At last...she posted the video she was talking about, the time for it has come, the long wait is over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRhEHslaBXI
We think that the real meaning of that speech is unknown for them because as far as we have seen during the last year she said that the hoax has not an hidden massage. So let us explain what it's about:
"I Have a Dream" is the famous name given to the sixteen minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination. King's delivery of the speech on August 28, 1963, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. Delivered to over 200,000 civil rights supporters, the speech is often considered to be one of the greatest and most notable speeches in human history and was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century by a 1999 poll of scholars of public address. According to U.S. Representative John Lewis, who also spoke that day as the President of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, "Dr. King had the power, the ability, and the capacity to transform those steps on the Lincoln Memorial into a monumental area that will forever be recognized. By speaking the way he did, he educated, he inspired, he informed not just the people there, but people throughout America and unborn generations."
At the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme of "I have a dream", possibly prompted by Mahalia Jackson's cry, "Tell them about the dream, Martin!" He had delivered a speech incorporating some of the same sections in Detroit in June 1963, when he marched on Woodward Avenue with Walter Reuther and the Reverend C. L. Franklin, and had rehearsed other parts.

Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Have_a_Dream

We know this is all for L.O.V.E. and people who don't believe and support her are just bad , even if they are trying to protect believers from the many posers around the net. There is plenty of arguments which show bow's contradictions in this blog, so draw your own conclusions and see who's bad.

Hold me
Like the River Jordan
And I will then say to thee
You are my friend

Carry me
Like you are my brother
Love me like a mother
Will you be there

Oh, love

Tell me, will you hold me
When wrong will you scold me
When lost will you find me

But they told me
A man should be faithfull
And walk when not able
And fight 'til the end
But I'm only human

Everyone's taking control of me
Seems that the world's
Got a role for me
I'm so confused
Will you show to me
You'll be there for me
And care enough to bear me

(Hold me)
Show me
(Lay your head lowly)
Show me
(Softly then boldly)
(Carry me there)
I'm only human

(Lead me)
Hold me
(Love me and feed me)
Yeah, yeah
(Kiss me and free me)
Yeah, yeah
(I will feel blessed)
I'm only human

(Carry me boldly)
(Lift me up slowly)
(Carry me there)
I'm only human

(Save me)
Lead me
(Heal me and bathe me)
Lift me up, lift me up
(Softly you'll say to me)
(I will be there)
I will be there

(Lift me)
Hold me, yeah
(Lift me up slowly)
(Carry me boldly)
(Show me you care)
I will be there

(Hold me)
(Lay your head lowly)
I get lonely sometimes
(Softly, then boldly)
I get lonely, yeah, yeah
(Carry me there)
Carry me there

(Need me)
(Love me and feed me)
Lift me up, hold me up
(Kiss me and free me)
Lift me up sometime, up sometime
(I will feel blessed)

In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care
Will you be there
In my trials
And my tribulations

Through our doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise
Of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart

Do you remember that song?

And now we have a question: Will You Be There?


Un nuovo giorno è arrivato ed insieme è giunta anche una nuova identità per BoW.
Questa di seguito è la lettera che ha postato ieri sul Gold Forum sotto il nick name : Dunk1958

Analizziamo questa lettera punto per punto:

a. "Mi sono cancellata dal Gold senza poter dare una spiegazione, senza avviso, avvertimento, solo perchè così doveva essere"

Questo non è vero! Anly ha fornito la spiegazione per cui BoW si è cancellata dal forum. Anly disse che BoW aveva deciso così in seguito ai suoi gravi problemi familiari e non poteva più fare parte del forum a causa di questi.

Ieri BoW ha blatterato che qualcuno le ha detto di fare così, che questo era il piano... la nostra conclusione è: ha preso di nuovo in giro gli utenti del forum! Perchè ha chiesto ad Anly di dire una bugia? Doveva di nuovo distrarre le persone? Se Si, per quale motivo? Se No, la conclusione è palese.

b. " Le informazioni sono finite e con loro è giunta anche la fine dell'hoax e di Black."

Le info sono finite? Quale tipo di informazioni sono finite? Le sue false informazioni? La sue informazioni prevedibili? Il suo copia e incolla?

Ha avuto la presunzione di dire: le informazioni sono finite, il mio compito è terminato così anche l'hoax è finito! Wow! Abbiamo trascorso quasi un anno a scavare in profondità dentro all'hoax e nella vita di Michael ed ora abbiamo scoperto che tutto questo è stato una perdita di tempo ed di energie, sarebbe stato molto più semplice, sedersi rilassarsi ed aspettare l'arrivo di questa lettera... E' colpa nostra cose sempre... si....

c. "Non posso più darvi indizi, ma ci tenevo a mandarvi questo messaggio prima del BAM, prima di partire. NON pensiate però che io non torni, su questo sbaglierete di grosso, perchè qualsiasi cosa accadrà, mi leggerete ancora. Ho fiducia in tutti voi, come voi l'avete per me, ed ho fiducia in Michael. Ma al BAM devo esserci, non posso mancare ad un evento così straordinario."

Di che tipo di indizi sta parlando? Tutti sappiamo che Michael è vivo, quindi i suoi inidizi non sono più necessari! Ha sempre sostenuto di non poter riferire il 'perchè' dell'hoax, quindi possiamo presumere che i suoi 'indizi' vertono sul 'vivo o morto', ma avete bisogno di ulteriori prove? Avete ancora dei dubbi al riguardo? Sta lasciando il forum di nuovo? Se Si perchè non ha postato questa lettera prima di cancellare il suo account precedente? Sta dicendo che sarà presente all'evento del BAM? Se Si, si è contraddetta ancora una volta, perchè affermò che il BAM non sarà un BAM di impatto, ma Michael si svelerà pezzo per pezzo. Se No, perchè Michael Jackson non ha chiamato la sua assistente personale dell'hoax per partecipare alla sua 'rinascita'?

d. " Ho letto un po' in giro e molti believer e non believer hanno subito pensato che io fossi fuggita, molti hanno pensato che io vi avessi abbandonato, che io ero il fake che tanto declamavano, ma così non è."

Oh! Non avevamo dubbi circa il fatto che non avrebbe abbandonato il forum e che sarebbe tornata di nuovo....... Alcun dubbio! Ma perchè sostiene che i non-believers dovrebbero essere interessati alle sue parole? I non-Believers non pensano che Michael Jackson sia ancora vivo, perchè dovrebbero leggere i suoi post? O forse sta parlando dei BoW Non-Believers! La nostra teoria trova conferma nella frase successiva! Si sta parlando dei BoW Non-believers.

e. "Sono sempre stata qui e tramite Anly forse sono riuscita a infondervi quella calma di cui avevate bisogno questa settimana. Avete scherzato, avete passato serate spensierate senza porvi problemi, senza pensare troppo all'hoax. E mentre vi leggevo ho potuto capire chi realmente ha sempre creduto in quello che dicevo e chi credeva solo per 'convenienza'."

Fateci capire! Ha lasciato il Gold forum con una sola frase “ vi voglio bene”, gli utenti hanno iniziato a matteggiare e a porsi delle domande, ORA lei ammette di aver letto ogni singolo commento e di non aver fatto niente per placarli?! Ma allo stesso tempo dichiara apertamente di essere loro amica! Oh si.... a questo servono gli amici... Ha lasciato che le persone perdessero il loro tempo in chiacchiere e giochi, parlando dei Gold Pants e delle zone private di Michael Jackson ( non osiamo immaginare SE Mike dovesse leggere davvero quel forum)... Questo hoax non è fatto per SEDERSI E RILASSARSI! È SMETTERE DI ESISTERE ED INIZIARE A VIVERE! E' FARE QUEL CAMBIAMENTO! E' DIFFONDERE IL MESSAGGIO!

Abbiamo un consiglio per voi: 'buttate' via un po' del vostro tempo per rileggervi ancora una volta i testi delle canzoni di Michael.

Qui alcuni testi tradotti:




f. "E mentre vi leggevo ho potuto capire chi realmente ha sempre creduto in quello che dicevo e chi credeva solo per 'convenienza'. Ho letto messaggi d'amore dalle persone di cui non dubitavo e nessun messaggio da chi dubitavo...a me le conclusioni. Ho letto ragazze che non si sono abbattute, proprio come Michael voleva, ho letto persone forti che possono affrontare qualsiasi cosa, ho letto persone unitem nel bene e nel male... insomma un esercito dell'amore... A.M.O.R.E."

Oh ok, ora abbiamo capito.... la questione gira attorno al credere o no a BoW..... e per quanto riguarda Michael Jackson? Chi dovrebbe meritare le attenzioni? Bow o Michael Jackson? Questo è veramente incredibile! Le persone scrivono messaggi d'amore ad una persona che si sta prendendo gioco di loro e che lo ammette pubblicamente in una lettera! Leggete tra le righe! Hanno creato l'Army of L.O.V.E. Di Bow, non quella di Michael Jackson! L'army of L.O.V.E. Di Michael Jackson ha uno scopo ben preciso, portare consapevolezza nel mondo e risvegliare le persone! L'army of L.O.V.E. Di BoW ha un significato diverso: dare supporto ad una fake mentre si sta prendendo gioco delle persone e sta giocando con i sentimenti di esse. Crediamo che non abbia ben chiaro il vero significato e il vero scopo di questa. L'Army of L.O.V.E. Non è nata per parlare di Gold Pants, come stanno facendo negli ultimi giorni! L'Army of L.O.V.E. Ha uno scopo ben più onorevole! E quello che sta succedendo è una vergogna!

g. "Annalisa abbiamo creato proprio una bella e grande famiglia non è vero? Una coesione che rende stupefatto chi legge il forum per la prima volta. E mentre ci sono stati post che insinuavano un mio abbandono contemporaneamente c'eravate voi che mi difendevate a spadatratta."

Chi ha creato la famiglia? BoW e Anly? O Michael Jackson? La famiglia del Gold Forum è nata per difendere BoW, come ha ben chiarito! Ha parlato di coesione, ma preferiamo chiamarlo CONTROLLO, se non siete d'accordo con loro, siete fuori! Quanti membri che non credono in BoW sono stati bannati o sono stati invitati ad allontanarsi e a lasciare il forum con dei modi non troppo gentili? Quante risposte davvero arroganti avete rivolto a questi membri? GUARDATEVI ALLO SPECCHIO! Il Gold Forum non è per Michael Jackson, è per Bow!

h. "Forse l'hoax ci ha diviso... believers, non believers, pro blackorwhite, pro ts e via dicendo... ma il nostro filo conduttore è sempre lui: Michael"

Non è stato l'hoax a dividere i fans pro BoW e pro Ts... L'hoax non è questo.... l'hoax serve a diffondere un messaggio, e TS ci ha sbattuto in faccia il messaggio da diffondere senza bisogno di fornirci date o quant'altro perchè non è questo il punto. Che cosa è l'hoax per BoW? Come lei ha detto è: sprecare il tempo a giocare, rilassarsi e non pensare all'hoax.

i. "Ora amici miei è giunto il momento di cambiare pagina, non è una fine, ma solo l'inizio di una nuova fase. Anche per Black.. si anche per me. Voglio collegarmi con la consapevolezza di essere una fan e la felicità nel cuore che Michael è tornato. Parlare con voi del più e del meno, su Michael , sui Jackson e sugli eventi e non più (finalmente) sull'hoax."

E' giunto il momento di smettere di mentire! È giunto il momento di agire! È giunto il momento di iniziare ad ascoltare Michael! È giunto il momento di svegliarsi! È giunto il momento di vivere! È giunto il momento di reagire! È giunto il momento di smettere di essere dei creduloni! È giunto il momento di aprire gli occhi! L'hoax non è ancora finito e anche quando e se Michael Jackson tornerà il nostro 'lavoro' continuerà... dovete tenere questo bene in mente per il futuro!

l. " Hanno passato notate intere a lavorare al forum, per me e sono andate contro tutto e tutti per me"

Oh, quindi lo scopo principale del Gold Forum è lavorare per BoW e proteggerla.... Dobbiamo rivelarvi che così facendo andate contro il messaggio di Michael Jackson.... abbiamo detto abbastanza!

m. " Un ultimo saluto va a te... si a te Michael. So che mi stai leggendo in questo momento, come hanno chiesto non so dando info, sto solo salutando. A te dico... ci vediamo presto. Michael Jackson, la persona più famosa del pianeta... chi lo avrebbe mai detto che la mia vita fosse stravolta proprio da te? Questi sono stati mesi difficili Michael, per tutti noi, i tuoi fan hanno sofferto abbastanza e finalmente sapranno la verità. Sei emozionato.. sei agitato. Ma ricordati una cosa; i tuoi fans sono qui per te, non ti abbandoniamo. Hai tante persone che ti vogliono bene, hai la tua famiglia. Siamo pronti a proteggerti da critiche, da chi ti punterà il dito contro, e dai media. Fidati amico mio, siamo la maggioranza."

Oh Mike.... non sai che il traduttore di Google fa schifo?! Perchè BoW ha dato spiegazioni pubbliche a Michael Jackson? Prima di postare questa lettera non gli ha comunicato le sue intenzioni? Le hanno detto che il suo 'lavoro' è terminato quindi loro avrebbero dovuto già sapere che l'intento di BoW non era fornire ulteriori 'indizi'... Per noi, forse stiamo sbagliando, lei ha scritto questo per ripetere ancora una volta che Michael Jackson legge il Gold Forum e che sa della sua esistenza.

E ancora, i fans hanno sofferto abbastanza? Credi che tutto questo sia una punizione inflitta da Michael ai fans? Credi che la sofferenza dei fans sia il motivo della futura conclusione dell'hoax? Michael non deve niente ai suoi fans.
Questo hoax è stato messo su per il mondo intero e che vi piaccia o no non sono di certo i fans che decidono.

Alla fine.. ha postato il famoso video tanto atteso:


Pensiamo che il vero significato di quel video sia per lei una cosa sconosciuta, perchè ha sempre sostenuto che dietro a questo hoax non c'è un messaggio.Quindi perchè postare proprio quel video? Solo perchè un pezzo di quel discorso è nella performance They Don't Care About Us/HIStory?

Per piacere informatevi sul perchè e sul contenuto di quel discorso!


Sappiamo tutto questo è per amore, e sappiamo anche che chi non crede e non supporta BoW viene etichettato come persona cattiva e non degna, ma è questo quello che si meritano delle persone che cercano di proteggere e di far aprire gli occhi a chi viene ogni giorno raggirato e imbrogliato? Questo blog è pieno di argomenti che mostrano le sue contraddizioni quindi traete le vostre conclusioni e forse vi renderete contro chi è cattivo..

Come il fiume Giordano
E allora ti dirò
Sei mio amico

Come se fossi mio fratello
Amami come una madre
Sarai lì?

Quando sarò sfinito
Dimmi mi reggerai?
Quando in torto, mi influenzerai?
Se perso mi troverai?

Ma mi dicono
Un uomo dovrebbe essere fiducioso
E camminare quando non può
E combattere fino alla fine
Ma io sono solo umano

Tutti stanno prendendo controllo di me
Sembra che il mondo
Ha un ruolo per me
Sono così confuso
Mi fai vedere
Che sarai lì per me
E ti occuperai abbastanza di sostenermi

(Poggia la tua testa)
(Dolcemente e poi audacemente)

(Amami e nutrimi)
(Baciami e liberami)
(Mi sentirò benedetto)

(Trasportami audacemente)
(Sollevami lentamente)
(Portami lì)


(Curami e lavami)
(Dolcemente mi dici)
(Sarò lì)

(Sollevami lentamente)
(Trasportami audacemente)
(Dimostrami che te ne importa)

(Poggia la tua testa)
(Dolcemente e poi audacemente)
(Portami lì)

(Abbi bisogno di me)
(Amami e nutrimi)
(Baciami e liberami)
(Mi sentirò benedetto)

Nei nostri momenti più bui
Nella mia disperazione più profonda
Ti occuperai ancora di me?
Sarai lì?
Nelle mie prove
E le mie tribolazioni
Nei miei dubbi
E le mie frustrazioni
Nella mia violenza
Nella mia turbolenza
Nella mia paura
E le mie confessioni
Nella mia angoscia e il mio dolore
Nella mia gioia e il mio dispiacere
Nella promessa di domani
Non ti lascerò mai andar via
Perché sei sempre nel mio cuore

Vi ricordate di questa canzone?

E ora abbiamo una domanda da porvi: Will You Be There?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Yesterday some users posted videos and comments to prove Bow did lie about the preliminary hearing, in fact she said more than once "there won't be no hearing" and she repeated it showing she knew what she was saying

Bow yesterday didn't give explanations about her wrong predictions' cause users told her not to give her usual excuses such as "plans changing"

After Murray left the courthouse Bow made an unpredictable move ( at 10.25 pm) : she deleted her account . Her last message was: "I love you"

Then, her account is deleted.

Bow left the forum cos she apparently had some personal issues not related with the hoax, that's what Anly said.

"Bow has some personal problems, not hoax or Michael Jackson related. I know that she left in the wrong moment, but she needs to relax. We will go on and we will wait for her"

At this point the question is: why Bow left the forum for personal reasons just after realizing Murray went to the court session and just after realizing she made a mistake?
She said she had personal problems for 2 weeks, why she left the forum just now?
She promised that she would be there 'till the end.

If those are the reasons why she deleted her account we don't see a valid reason to delete it,she could have not logged in for a while if she was stressed out by her informer role

Does she delete her account because someone told her to?did her source tell her to create suspance?
We're sorry for her personal problems but those explainations are not enough to justify her decision to leave the forum yesterday, decision made jsut after she was exposed and proved wrong...once again.
We think we gave you enough arguments to draw your own conclusions...

Italian translation:

Tenendo bene a mente le parole di BoW, ovvero non ci sarà alcuna udienza, alcuni utenti ieri hanno iniziato a postare video e commenti i quali provavano ancora una volta la falsità delle parole di boW.

BoW naturalmente ieri non ha dato spiegazioni del perchè delle sue predizioni sbagliate.... in quanto era già stata pregata di non fornire le solite scuse, come " cambiamento di programma, e cose varie" cose scontate e usate solo per pararsi il culo.

Dopo l'uscita di Murray e per la precisione alle 22:25 BoW decide di lasciare il suo ultimo messaggio sul forum " Vi voglio bene"

Dopodichè il suo account viene cancellato

Questa decisione è stata presa da BoW stessa adducendo le seguenti motivazioni, forniteci da Anly.

"BoW ha lasciato il forum perchè hai dei problemi personali che non hanno nulla a che fare con l'hoax."

Ma ora noi ci chiediamo.....
Come mai boW ha deciso di lasciare il forum ribadiamo per motivi personali SUBITO dopo aver visto Murray presentarsi in tribunale e subito dopo aver realizzato che ancora una volta le sue predizioni era tutte errate?
I suoi problemi personali vanno avanti da circa due settimane COME mai ha deciso di lasciare il forum? e PROPRIO ieri?
Eppure aveva giurato che non li avrebbe mai abbandonati fino alla fine

A detta nostra SE le vere motivazioni della sua cancellazione sono queste non c'era affatto bisogno di farlo, per evitare stress causato dal suo ruolo da informer le bastava non effettuare più il log in e il gioco era fatto…
Ma forse le è stato detto di cancellarsi? la sua forte le ha detto di creare suspance?
Sotto il piano strettamente personale ci dispiace se ha dei problemi personali, ma questi non spiegano affatto la cancellazione dal forum avvenuta proprio ieri e ribadiamo qualche minuto dopo aver dato ancora una volta conferma che quello che sostiene è falso.

Crediamo che vi abbiamo fornito elementi sufficienti per trarre delle conclusioni…..


Just to make things clear, check the definition of PRELIMINARY HEARING first :

"Within criminal justice system, a preliminaly hearing (evidentiary hearing) is a proceeding, after a criminal complaint has been filed by the prosecutor, to determine whether there is enough evidence to require a trial."

In other words, a preliminary hearing is NOT the trial.

On April 5th, 2010 Dr. Conrad Murray showed himself at courthouse for the first time.

On the same day a preliminary hearing date has been set for June 14th, as tmz soon reported :

Once the article appeared on tmz.com, the gold forum members asked BOW just one question : What will it happen on June 14th?

As usual, the so called informer tried to calm them down claiming that the preliminary hearing would never happen and Murray would never show himself in courthouse again .

She repeated it even few days ago :

" There is NO MAYBE, the preliminary hearing will not happen. "

" I repeat it, no court hearing "

Are these screenshots enough for you? This is evidence !

And what really happened yesterday?


Beeing a preliminary hearing and NOT the trial itself, Murray could not be CONDEMNED.

Beeing a hoax, it was obvious the judge would not revoke his medical license. Every single hoaxer/ believer knows.

Being just an evidentiary hearing, another one has been set for Augoust 23rd.


Haven't you opened your eyes yet??????

Stay tuned (story developing) !!!

Monday, June 14, 2010