Tuesday, May 11, 2010

~ Ain't no mountain high enough!

Hello folks!

Here we are again!

Long time no see! How are you...? Do you need a good laugh?


Ok, let's start!

BoW talked about "Speechless" and she said that Mike wrote that song for a woman.... for Lisa Marie Presley..

Oh,are you sure about that, BoW? We all know that it's a romantic song but let's see what Mike himself said about his inspiration:

" In a 2002 interview with the magazine Vibe, jackson commented on his inspiration for writing "Speechless", saying: You'll be surprised. I was with these kids in Germany, and we had a big water-ballon fight- I'm serious- and I was so happy after the fight that I ran upstairs in their house and wrote "Speechless". Fun inspires me. I hate to say that, because it's such a romantic song. But it was the fight that did it. I was happy and I wrote it in it's entirety right there. I felt it would be good enough for the album. Out of the bliss comes magic, wonderment and creativity"

So do you believe Mike or BoW?

Let's continue...

She talked about Oxman, Joe Jackson's lawyer.

She said that he can practise law ABROAD.

Ok... we need some proofs about that.. HOW do you know that Oxman can pracise law abroad?

Lawyers can't practise law everywhere, give us some proofs! Oh damn! we forget that you know everything...

Last but not the least we wanna congratulate!

BoW is the new Gold forum Mod!

Congrats BoW! Step by step you'll reach the top, ain't no mountain high enough!


  1. I am more convinced every day that ANLY Blackorwhite and are the same person
    And you?

  2. lol next news will be that BOW IS MICHAEL ahahah.olny in this way she could say that she alwas has been in right about MJ'S comeback in june..sure she's michael
    oh my god.


  3. Mi hanno anche cancellato un messaggio perchè ho contraddetto Bow su Dave Dave. Chissà perchè non siamo,liberi di esprimerci......

  4. No, no... BoW isn't Anly!
    But... Didn't you note that Bow was not talking about "Speechless", but "SpEAchless"??
    Maybe, "SpEAchless" was writted for Lisa Marie!!
    A mistake? I don't think so! She wrote 2 times "SpEAchless"... ;-)

  5. Yes it's very very funny ....
    Anly = blackorwhite why not !

  6. @anonymous about speachless.BOW CAN'T WRITE ENGLISH WELL i remind you LATHES word..do you remember about it? lol

  7. no Anly non è Bow qualche tempo fa era molto arrabbiata con lei per via che le aveva fatto spostare i msg insomma un casino, inoltre ha detto che dopo il 25 giugno la bannerà dal forum se non accadrà nulla

  8. speechless ou speachless ...For me it's not a volontary mistake ...It's just a mistake ...

  9. SpEAchless, for me, is simply ignorance about Michael's song!
    Everyone write "Speechless", but not her!!
    "But... Didn't you note that Bow was not talking about "Speechless", but "SpEAchless"??
    Maybe, "SpEAchless" was writted for Lisa Marie!!
    A mistake? I don't think so! She wrote 2 times "SpEAchless"... ;-)"
    This was a joke!!!!!!!!! I wasn't serious!!

  10. New's from Bow:
    Bam's day on 21st june at F.L.

  11. Follow these dates...
    - Halloween?
    - Ehm... No!
    - Xmas?
    - Ehm... No!
    - January?
    - Ehm... No!
    - 3rd April?
    - Ehm... No!
    - 8th May?
    - Ehm... No! But now I'm sure: 21st JUNE!!!!!

  12. Non ho capito! BOW da qualche giorno ha rivelato data e luogo del bam e voi non dite niente? Pronto...ci siete?

  13. Ma... a dire il vero: "il 21 giugno il mondo scoprirà che è vivo e pian piano si svelerà fino al bam del 25 giugno!".
    Infatti ci sarà una gran mobilitazione al FL in quei giorni (ma va?)...
    E riprendiamo con i misteriosi... video!!! Peccato che tutto ciò crea più problemi neurologici ai BoW-followers che gioie!!

  14. Non capisco se il gold forum è l'unico sito che ha messo un COUNT DOWN oppure ce ne sono altri. Speriamo succeda davvero qualcosa siamo vicini

  15. ...mi sa che il DEBUNK si è arreso a BOW, vi ha datto qualche dritta importante???
    Almeno metteteci al corrente !!
    Mmmmm, qualche cosa NON funziona...

  16. Ragazzi alla fine penso che chi crede a Bow si meriti di essere preso per il naso! Il 25 Giugno è vicino, la soap-opera sta per finire, vedremo come se la caveranno...
    ah, dimenticavo: Obama protegge Michael...
    Speechless veramente.
