Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010
"Michael Jackson Tribute" June 25th 2010, Rome.
Friday, April 16, 2010
"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must sill dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."
This video is a present for you, it's to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you've done and you keep on doing.
Many times you told me : " You are our lighthouse"
But now I'm telling you I would be nothing without you. it's thanks to you.
You supported me, you gave me strenght every time I needed it.
Today, many people have recovered their smile and hope , now they believe because you gave them the chance to do it.
I'm proud to be part of this big family. And I know I can count of you special people, whenever I need it.
You are such a beautiful army to me, you can spread the love for free.
Then...there you are, Anly. Thank you! Without you I wouldn't start all this.
You trusted in me.
If you believe the impossible, the incredible comes true.
Thank you all. I love you.
With love,
Blackorwhite "
Bow has been so sweet ....
Exactly. Without HER army (not Michael's) she wouldn't have gone so far for sure ;)
Thank you BOW followers!
(Army is not "armata", but "esercito" in Italian....just saying ;) )
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Food For Thought
Saturday, April 10, 2010
~it's over...
"Chiarimenti"- Full Version.




I would like to be clear , because it's time to explain the reasons of the hoax.
( Da dove iniziare...Vorrei fare chiarezza su alcuni punti e spiegare,dato che è giunto il momento di farlo, i motivi dell'hoax. Accennare o essere vaga non porta chiarezza a nessuno - cit.-)
How it all began.
(Michael Jackson è stato un punto di riferimento nella mia vita,lo seguivo sin da piccolina.Lui mi ha accompagnato-come penso un po' tutti voi-durante la mia infanzia,la mia adolescenza,la mia vita.Nei momenti di gioia o di dolore lui c'era sempre, la sua danza,la sua musica,la sua magia erano parte di me. Ricordo ancora la mia felicità a Marzo dell'anno scorso,quando venni a sapere che Michael sarebbe tornato a cantare.Il mio idolo, di nuovo sulla scena, il mio mito di nuovo ad esibirsi. Il 26 Giugno, la mattina di quel giorno, il mio cuore ha "sanguinato". Una parte della mia anima era morta con Michael. Lui non c'era più e non potevo fare nulla.Avrei mandato indietro* (1) il tempo, come un nastro che di*(2) riavvolge,per poterlo rivedere, per poter riammirare quel sorriso, quella dolcezza.Ero devastata,ma dovevo andare avanti. Il 7 luglio ho visto la piccola Paris salire sul palco dello Staple Center e dire : "Sei stato il papà migliore del mondo,, e voglio solo dirti che ti amo tantissimo".
Non avevo versato una sola lacrima, fino a quel giorno, fino a quando vidi quella bambina "piangere" per il suo Daddy. Mi resi conto di cosa avesse lasciato, i suoi bambini, la sua famiglia, i fan di tutto il mondo...che si è inchinato timidamente a lui dopo il 25 Giugno. -cit )
Now I would like to tell you about Andrea, cause my adventure began thanks to him (Ma ora vorrei parlarvi di Andrea, perchè è grazie a lui che è iniziata la mia avventura, ormai anche vostra -cit-)
He is my collegue. He lives in LA, he is about 50 years old. He is smart and professional. It's been him who told me Michael was not dead. I wanted to understand more about it, so I left for LA, both for work and my curiosity. ( Costui è un mio collega, che vive a Los Angeles, un uomo di circa 50 anni, molto ingamba*(3) ed esperto.E*(4) stato lui a dirmi che Michael non era mai morto. Io volevo capirci di più, così un po' per lavoro, un po' per grande curiosità parti' *(5) per L.A. -cit-)
Andrea is a great friend of my source's since years. He explained the whole story to me. Some weeks later, I finally contacted my source on the web ..(Andrea è un grande amico e confidente della mia "fonte" da anni,e mi spego*(6) il tutto per bene.Passarono alcune settimane, e finalmente riusci*(7) tramite il web a mettermi in contatto con il fantomatico informatore e amico di Andrea.-cit-)
I have to admit it: I was so skeptical in the beginning, but as months passed by, many things matched into the puzzle and some events happened. (Devo ammetterlo, all'inizio ero molto scettica, ma più i mesi passavano, più molte cose andavano al loro posto, e alcuni avvenimenti iniziavano a verificarsi- cit -)
(Pian piano, grazie anche ad Andrea, è nato un buon rapporto di amicizia, rispetto e stima. Stavo bene, mi sentivo sollevata sapendo che lui era vivo e stava bene, ma più passavano i giorni, più leggevo nel web la disperazione per quella grande perdita. Volevo che tutti si sentivano come mi sentivo io*(8) , volevo regalare speranza e sorriso a chi piangeva per Michael.Iniziai a scrivere in alcuni forum, molto vagamente -cit-)
..But I had to promise to my source I would have never revealed his name, both for his safety and privacy. A promise to him, for Michael and the Jacksons. (..Ma dovetti fare una promessa al mio informer, e cioè che non avrei MAI rivelato il suo nome, sia per la sua sicurezza, sia per la sua privacy. Una promessa fatta a lui, per Michael e per i Jackson -cit-)
Then I met Anly, who after some messages between us told me she owned a forum and that I could write a thread there, if I wanted... (Poi ho conosciuto Anly, la quale, dopo un po' di tempo, dopo alcuni messaggi, mi disse che aveva un forum di cui era admin, e se volevo potevo scrivere*(9) un post tutto mio, in tranquillità e libera di esprimermi. Vi confesso che non volevo scrivere, anzi avevo timore e preoccupazione, perchè non sapevo come le persone potevano*(10) reagire, ma al tempo stesso pensavo anche a quanti avrebbero reagito anche bene. -cit-)
This is how it all began (Così è iniziato il tutto -cit-)
During these months many mambers asked me the reason of the hoax , but I was not allowed to reveal it. I was forced into this, and I had to contradict myself, I had to write false things, I couldn't reveal more. (Molti utenti in questi mesi mi hanno chiesto che motivo ci fosse dietro questa "burla", ma non essendo autorizzata, non potevo rivelare nulla. Mi era stato imposto questo, anche se dovevo contraddirmi, anche se dovevo scrivere un falso, non potevo rivelare altro.-cit-)
Now it's time for you to know, you have to be aware of what Michael and the Jacksons experienced. (Ora però è giunto il momento che sappiate, e che vi rendiate conto di quello che Michael e i Jackson hanno passato -cit-)
(Comincio col dire che nella vita di Mr Jackson si erano insinuate persone, che controllavano un po' tutto. Organizzazione terroristica, che aveva come obiettivo altro.-cit-)
After the O2 press conference, the threats became more serious, because the ones who controled Michael didn't want to control the fsns, nor him...Michael was just a puppets in their hands. (Dopo la conferenza stampa allo O2Arena, queste minacce si fecero molto serie, perchè coloro che controllavano Michael volevano controllare non i fan, non lui...Michael era solo una pedina nelle loro mani. -cit-)
I remember when Michael said : "If I won't do the concerts, they'll kill me" (Ricordo una frase di Michael, che ieri un utente mi ha fatto riaffiorar nella mente : "Se non faccio questi concerti mi uccidono" -cit-)
He had no choice. If he did the gigs, there would have been a massacre, worse than 9/11 (Non aveva via di fuga,se faceva i concerti * (11) la strage sarebbe stata peggiore dell'11 settembre, se non faceva i concerti, erano stati minacciati sia lui che i bambini*(12) . Voi cosa avreste fatto?-cit-)
Protection program, FBI, government. Hoax death. This happened from June 25th, no plan before. (piano di protezione, sotto controllo dell'FBI, del governo. Morte simulata. Questo è accaduto il 25 Giugno, nessun piano prima, l'FBI pensò a tutto. L'hoax con date e indizi è iniziata dopo la fuga, grazie al genio e all'essere perfezionista di Michael Jackson.-cit-)
After the escape a new website opened, it was called michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com [...] Few months later it was sold [...] Amy Sampson-fake name- was threatened.Too many wanted to know her real identity . (Michael aveva pensato a tutto, subito dopo la "fuga" è stato aperto un sito dal nome michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com con dominio comprato il 1 giugno, e sito costantemente monitorato.Li *(13) si posavano indizi e gli utenti venivano controllati, perchè da lì partivano tutte le teorie.Dopo alcuni mesi il sito fu venduto, per motivi di sicurezza, l'admin Amy Sampson (nome fittizio) era stata minacciata, troppi volevano sapere la sua reale identità. -cit-)
Replacing it there's a forum now, owned by Souza and Mo, ex members of michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com. Tonight I want to apologize to them. I'll tell you why.My source told me there were MJ's collaborators behind the old michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com and I thought they also know about the hoax, as Amy did.But I was wrong. I made a mess. (Al suo posto ora c'è un forum, di Souza e Mo, ex utenti del michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com. Stasera io vorrei fare le scuse alle due ragazze.Spiego il motivo. La mia fonte mi aveva rivelato che dietro il michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com c'erano collaboratori di Michael, e dopo che il sito fu venduto, credevo che Souza e Mo sapevano*(14) come la vecchia admin del sito. Ma mi sbagliavo. Ho fatto solo un gran casino io.-cit-)
They always wrote bizarre and interesting theories,they spent much time studying and analyzing everything. I'm sorry if I moved away some members from them.I'm sorry ifor offending them. Who am I to tell you who to follow and who not? I want you to be free to follow everyone, because not me, nor my source know all the things you find on the web . I made a big mistake, telling you they were distracting. They only were trying to understand, like the all of us, with hard work and interesting theories(Hanno sempre scritto singolari e interessanti teorie, hanno passato molto tempo a studiare e analizzare tutto. Io mi scuso per aver allontanato da loro utenti, se sono stata offensiva o altro. Chi sono io per dirvi chi seguire e chi no? Voglio che siate liberi di seguire tutti,perchè in realtà ne io ne *l(15) a mia fonte possiamo conoscere tutto il web.Ho fatto un grave errore, accusandole di depistaggio, quando in realtà stavano solo cercando di capire, come tutti, con studi e duro lavoro, interessanti teorie -cit-)
I also would like to apologize to MJalive999.Same reason.This guy made videos,analyzes,tries to understand.I didn't have te right to tell you wheter to follow him or not*.I think he's a good and smart person, who loves Michael the way we all do.( Vorrei scusarmi anche con MJalive999,per lo stesso motivo.Chi sono io per dirvi chi seguire?Quest'utente fa video, analizza, studia e cerca di capire.Non avevo il diritto di dirvi se seguirlo* (16) o meno. Penso che sia una persona ingamba* (17) ed iintelligente, e ama Michael al nostro stesso modo. -cit-)
I don't know who created TIAI, I had some sources who informed me about some redirects, nothing more. No one knows who is behind it, if Michael's friends, fans or relatives. I don't know anything about it, nor my source does.(TIAI, il famoso sito in nrealtà non so da chi sia stato creato, avevo contatti che mi informavano di alcuni indirizzamenti, ma nulla di più.Nessuno sa chi ci sia dietro, se siano amici di Michael o fan o familiari. Ne io ne*(18) la mia fonte sappiamo nulla.Ma i suoi post sono sempre ottimi e interessanti. -cit-)
(Scusatemi tutti davvero, spero che in futuro si possa ottenere quell'unione che avevamo un tempo. -cit-)
Many of you told me I made grammatical mistakes both in Italian and in English.I would like to explain that when I write an article I write rough drafts before, then I read it again and again . When I write on the forum I don't have time enough to do the same, nor the necessary concentration. ( Molti mi hanno scritto facendomi notare errori grammaticali o errori nella lingua inglese. Vorrei precisare che quando scrivo un articolo, faccio bozze, leggo e rileggo svariate volte, prima di presentarlo.Qui sul forum, non ho ne il tempo ne* (19) la concentrazione necessaria per fare ciò. cosi* (20) vale per i post in Inglese.)
I was not at the O2 Arena in London [...] my source told me it was Michael [...] ( Io non ero allo O2 Arena di Londra, non potevo sapere chi c'era e chi non c'era quel giorno, la mia fonte mi ha assicurato che era Michael, ed anche se all'inizio pensavo il contrario, posso affermare ora con sicurezza che quello è Michael. -cit-)
In TII the orange pants guy is not Mr Jackson, he was busy that day for all the reason I told you. (Ma in TII, il ragazzo che indossa i pantaloni arancio non è Mr. Jackson, lui era impagnato quel giorno, per i problemi sopracitati. -cit-)
Michael will come back in June. At least now we know which month. Do not ask when, but also why all this time before coming back to "life". Illuminati, Free Masons, governments, NWO, the system and terrorism.Michael is exposing all this.
[...] I never wrote about such stuff and I think I 'll never do it, just because I'm scared. I'm not telling you they don't exist, just that I'm scared. (Michael ritornerà il mese di Giugno.Adesso almeno il mese lo sappiamo. Non statevi però a chiedere il quando, ma anche il perchè di tutto questo tempo prima di tornare a "vivere". Illuminati, massoni, governi,NWO, il sistema e terrorismo. Michael sta denunciando tutto questo.Il mondo e la natura umana racchiudono tanto amore, ma anche tanta corruzione...
Non ho mai affrontato discorsi simili, e penso che non lo farò mai per il semplice fatto che ho paura. Non dico che non esistono. Ho solo timore. -cit-)
With love - con affetto
Bow has gone too far, so she twisted the story once again. It's unbelievable how people can't see that.
Please, remember the things she said for MONTHS, letting people believe FALSE truths.
Guys, please, open your eyes!!!!!
-Souza and Mo are into the hoax.Their role is to distract people with their thoeries.Thay are writing to force people to the wrong track. The truth is that michaeljacksonhoaxdetha had never banned them (26.12.2009)
-Guys, unfortunately I knew about Souza just yesterday night. (2.03.2010)
SO.....Where is her SOURCE?? We think he's not so informed if he made those kind of mistakes...for months.
-On the list: don't follow : MJalive999, Souza81, Kyechu .Sorry guys, but I made this choice TOGETHER with my SOURCE.
You don't have to follow them anymore, my source doesn't tolerate this behavior anymore. (1.03.2010)
AGAIN: TOGETHER WITH HER SOURCE...He informed her about the accounts months ago...and today he doesn't know anything anymore?
Souza, Mo , MJalive999 are just people searching for the truth????
Oh, come on!
-TIAI is directed by the the same people who direct the hoax. (17.12.2009)
-There is a relative behind TIAI (20.01.2010)
-TIAI is related to the death hoax, you have to follow it carefully.You will discover so many things. Thanks to TIAI the puzzle will be solved. (26.01.2010)
So her source told her there is a RELATIVE behind TIAI and today : NO ONE knows who is behind it? ?????
We were told to follow TIAI because it would show us the way, with predictions, explainations...
Doing this, her source HAD TO KNOW about TIAI, didn't he? But now, no one knows..........
-I repeat the notion: Illuminati and NWO have nothing to do with the hoax. (26.02.2010)
-Non c'è qualche setta che minacciava Michael (17.03.2010)
-TIAI is designed to spread a message, but after the hoax, after the escape of Michael.He helps you,maybe better than me (8.03.2010)
She changed her mind.....finally.
-I know English, I can write in a proper way.I can do it and make you believe I use an online translator. And it works, because many people believe I use a translator...and this is how it has to be (Conosco l'Inglese e so anche scrivere in modo esatto.Posso farlo, come anche contrariamente far credere che io usi un traduttore. A quanto pare funziona, perchè la maggior parte delle persone crede che io usi un traduttore...come è giusto che sia) (5.04.2010)
This is completely ridiculous, sorry. No need to explain
1- in dietro
2- si
3- in gamba
5- partii
6- spiegò
7- riuscii
8- si SENTISSERO come mi sentivo io ( consecutio temporum)
9- avrei potuto scrivere (consecutio temporum)
10- potessero (consecutio temporum)
11- se avesse fatto (consecutio temporum)
12- sarebbero stati (consecutio temporum)
13- lì
14-sapessero (consecutio temporum)
15- né...né
16- seguirLA -mjalive999 è una ragazza
17- in gamba
19- nè
20- così
At this point....a doubt comes to the mind: were the apologies genuine? Or perhaps it was just to let us believe that Souza and Mo could agree in a collaboration? This different explanation is too easy on April 9th.
With L.O.V.E
Friday, April 9, 2010
One aim has been reached
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Is Michael Jackson Uri Geller's friend?
Someone asked to BoW about Uri Geller and his relationship with Michael Jackson.
BoW answered:
Is BoW sure that Uri Geller is Michael Jackson's friend?
Does she know WHO is Uri Geller? and what has he done to Michael Jackson?
Let's take a look.
Born in Tel Aviv, Israel, to Hungarian Jewish parents, Geller was the only child of Itzhaak Geller, a retired Army sergeant major, and Manzy Freud (Freud Manci). It is claimed that Geller is a distant relative of Sigmund Freud on his mother’s side, also has a twin called Adrian. He was brought to the United States for scientific investigation by Andrija Puharich.
Andrija Puharich, MD, also known as Henry K. Puharich, (February 19, 1918 – January 3, 1995), was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor and author, who is perhaps best known as the person who brought Uri Geller and Peter Hurkos to the United States for scientific investigation. His research included studying the influence of extremely low frequency ELF electromagnetic wave emissions on the mind, and he invented several devices allegedly blocking or converting ELF waves to prevent harm.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) is used to control behavior and mood patterns.
Recent research has revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side. As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA mind control project. He – together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb – experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes even to creating the impression of voices in the head. These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject’s brain. And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research. Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel.
Longtime friend Michael Jackson was best man when Geller renewed his wedding vows in 2001. Geller also claimed on a BBC Radio 5 Live interview with Nicky Campbell on the morning after Michael Jackson’s death (26 June 2009) that Jackson had agreed to let Geller hypnotise him to help him with a problem. Geller said that he did something “highly unethical” by asking him whether he had ever “touched a child in an inappropriate way.” Geller says that Jackson immediately denied it under hypnosis. Geller also negotiated the famous TV interview between Jackson with the journalist Martin Batshit: Living with Michael Jackson. He is also very well known inside the Pentagon.
Among conspiracy theorists there’s always been talk that Uri Geller was not just a psychic – that he was working for U.S. military intelligence. The work Puthoff and Targ were conducting – as well as other research into psychic powers, ESP, ELF and such was heavily funded by the U.S. military.
The belief is that the U.S. was locked in a covert sort of psychic arms race with the Soviets, both sides conducting research in how to use this stuff for spying, for mind control, and for weapons. Moreover, it is believed that Geller himself had put his psychic powers at the service of the Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad.
You might think “What is so interesting about this?” But Uri Geller is the one that introduced Batshit to Mike and we all know what happened after Batshit came to visit. He claims to be his friend, but we all noticed Uri likes to promote Uri. Is he Mike’s friend? Maybe, but we think he is not. If you look at his background and connections, it is way more likely that Geller introduced Batshit to Mike for a reason, and not to make Mike look better.
After that do you think that Michael Jackson is Uri Geller's friend?
Many many credits to Mo and Souza.
Source: http://doubledutchblogs.wordpress.com/2010/02/19/v-for-vendetta-v-for-vengeance/
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
" I want to make people believe I make mistakes using an online translator"
