Monday, March 1, 2010

BoW: The beginning

This is her first post on the michaeljacksongoldforum, and she wrote about the purpose of the michael jackson hoax death.
According to her post she said : " Michael hoaxed his dead because of HUGE threats related to his debts"
So debts...
Are you sure that Mike had debts at the moment of his 'death' ?
We've hard time to believe that and we hard believe that he never had, has and will have any debts.
Do you know by who and why the " debts theory " come from?
Let's explain this.
According to Aphrodite Jones's book " Michael Jackson Conspiracy " , Mike's financial crises was based on only three of his assets:
1) The MAIJAC Catalogue
2) The Sony ATV Catalogue
3) Neverland Valley Ranch

Mike's estimated debts of $224 million in 2003 was based on incomplete information. The calculation was made by a forensic accountant and it was crashed by Thomas Mesereau during cross examination, at the end the expert testified that Mike had never gone in bankrupt and Mike could sole his " financial problems " in JUST ONE DAY.

If you are interested you can read all the information on the book at pages 231 up to 235.

So... why did she write about debts if the "financial crises" theory is a gossip made?

Translation :

Questo è il suo primo post sul michaeljacksongoldforum e qui parla del motivo per il quale Michael Jackson ha simulato la sua morte.

Lei scrive: “ Michael ha simulato la sua morte per le minacce ricevute a causa dei suoi debiti”.

Quindi il problema erano i debiti.

Siete così sicuri che Michael aveva debiti al momento della sua “morte”?

Noi troviamo molto complicato crederlo, e inoltre crediamo che Michael non avesse non ha e non avrà mai debiti.

Sapete chi ha tirato fuori la teoria dei debiti e perchè?

Lasciateci spiegare.

Aprhodite Jones, nel suo libro “ Michael Jackson conspiracy “ scrive che la crisi finanziaria di Michael si basava su soltanto tre dei suoi assetti:

1- il catalogo MAIJAC

2- il catalogo Sont ATV

3- il Neverland Ranch Valley.

I debiti di Michael, stimati per 224milioni di dollari nel 2003, si basavano su informazioni incomplete. Il calcolo fu fatto da un ragioniere forense e fu ribattuto dall'avvocato di Michael, Tomas Mesereau nel corso dell'esame incrociato, alla fine l'esperto testimonio che Michael non andò mai in bancarotta e che se avesse avuto problemi finanziari li avrebbe risolti in un giorno solo.

Se siete interessati potete leggere tutte le informazioni nel libro dalla pagina 230 alla pagin 235.

In relazione a quello sopra detto.. come mai lei scrive dei debiti se in realtà i debiti sono solo gossip?


  1. Sorry..Could I ask one question please?I can't understand why this war beetween believers?You both think the same thing:Michael is alive..right?So I don't understand:why is this war born?Bow has never told bad thinghs about other sources..This situation is very sad,a lot of fans in the world are suffering because it's not easy for all to believe,to follow clues etc's not a joke for us..It hurt a lot..why this war ?Spreading the love in the world,being friend is Michael'message..Thank you so much for answering..

  2. This reminds me when Christianity started to split into different groups and they hated each other. Or the believers of one God and they still hate each other. Why is this being the same? Michael would not like this at all. Please, we have to be tolerant.

  3. you're right, we are all believers and we stay united because we know Michael is alive...But there are some of us  who are tired to see  people deceived..this is very sad.At this point The worst thing to notice is people who just believe what she says, although all her contaddictions. 
    this blog is just to inform about her comments. You judge and believe what you like, we don't want to spread the hate

  4. Oh really? I don't think so...let's start from the name of this's not like "comment on BoW", but "the debunk of BoW" this spread the L.O.V.E.? Is this a good idea? isn' way!!! You're not supposed to be tired to what someone's thinking or not, think at yourselves, stop this's ridiculous...please stop it!!!

  5. If you don't like our blog, please click the red button on the top of your screen.. nobody forces you to come here... ;)

  6. This blog does not spread love, only war between fans

  7. We spread L.O.V.E and you spread BoW word.
    We don't buy BoW crap!
    We wanna spread Michael's message, not her.
    But too many believe her words, so we wanna tell the world the real truth about her.
    There are enough blogs/topics named "comments on BOW" on the web, this one is supposed to let you know the inconsistencies. Then you decide. 

  8. Hi,thank you for aswering..well I know I can decide to follow this blog or not.. but the problem is not this.You believe she is a fake,well this is your opinion and I respect you.Sincerly,It's difficult for me to believe 100% Michael is alive and this war doesn't help me.There are too different opinion about hoax.I can't know Bow tells the truth but I read her post and I can say she spread Michael's message in the facts not only writing L.O.V.E.For example: Although she is attacked by you and by others she has never told bad things about you and about other sorces,she doesn't use bad words or sarcastic tone against nobody or about hoax..she is kind like Michael.So because Michael tells "Because to judge me try hard to love me"and if you are not a direct source of Michael I ask my self :why don't you try to have a dialogue with her? As Michael teachs... Of course it's just my opinion!
    Thank you!Have a nice day!

  9. Great one...i totally agree with you and i mean no this guy who created this side !

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I find it absolutely disgusting this blog ...
    Let me explain ... do not believe in what he says blackorwhite? Ok, do not believe it, it ends there and go for your idea.
    But here is exaggerated, open a blog of a person who independently 1 believe it or not, is trying to help all of us is giving us hope, joy through his messages, a person who as we all adore Michael, and follows its Love messages, now I would say.
    Who opened this blog, may regard this as a real fan of Michael? One that is close to him? I do not think, these are people that they come with LOVE at the end of their sentences, but never put it into practice. I really do not understand, blackorwhite is regularly attacked by people who say it's a fake, but always respond with LOVE and never attack anyone, always answer politely and with respect for everyone. But you have done something disgusting in my opinion .. Yet Michael seeks to unite, regardless of one's ideas, join, IT'S ALL FOR LOVE But here is exaggerated ..

  12. Oh no no, I really like this blog, and I'm here to write my opinion just like the others, and I'm very curious to read an answer to my question:
    Is this the way you spread L.O.V.E.?
    Beginning a fight? Really?
    'cause it's a weird way...
    I don't spread BoW word, I'm just a believer, and I find very strange the way you talk about someone you don't know...anyway it's your own opinion, but I feel like you're acting such as you know the thruth...believe don't know nothing exept for the things in your mind...see ya!!!

  13. Hello Giuseppe,
    sorry but you are missing the real purpose of this blog..
    How can you say that BoW is helping you and giving you hope?
    Have you read ALL our blog or just the first post??
    She is telling you what you want to hear, she is telling you Mj will come back whatever will happen., but sorry this is not the real truth.
    We are here to debunk her words, we don't judge BoW as a person, we don't know her personally.
    We are here to stop her BS.
    Are you a Michael's fan or BoW's fan?
    You're spreading BoW word and not Michael's message, according to her posts there is no message behind all this.
    Michael's message is LOVE, but also points the finger against something very wrong!
    Open your eyes please!
